Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Perfect Day

A few days back, I had one of those days where everything you ever wanted to do, you do and everything works out perfectly. That day, my perfect day, I opened up and had fun -- true, unadulterated fun -- the kind of fun that I've always wanted to have but never truly had.

See, I'm the youngest one in my family so I've always been surrounded by adults. I don't feel like I ever truly behaved like a kid because, everyone around me had already passed through that phase and expected me to be the same as them. Silliness was never really an option for me so I tried and tried to meet those expectations but there was always a part of me that I had to keep hidden, the kid in me that would only serve to disappoint. Well, a few days ago, I got to release that kid and be silly and play and have fun, the way I should have done all these years but the way I never did. It was everything I ever wanted to do and, I have to say, I couldn't stop smiling all day. I smiled so much, my cheeks started hurting. I was truly happy. Not happy because of some condition or expectations I had met but just happy because I was doing something I enjoyed. I didn't want to miss even a second of it and, for that reason, I didn't even stop to blog about it. In any case, I wanted to share that with...well, no one in particular, now because even thinking about it makes me want to smile. So, here's for being a kid! May we all get to enjoy that bliss every once in a while throughout our lives....

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